Resolution Step 3- REUSE

Switch to Reusable Water Bottles

Reusing things over and over again is a terrific way to reduce resource consumption and waste.

You decide what’s feasible.  Make an “I Can…” pledge and focus on one behavior shift.  Remember, no monumental life changes are necessary to incorporate a little conservation into your life style.  Start with simple shifts like using reusable water bottles instead of buying juice boxes (which although convenient, are costly and wasteful).  Here are a few suggestions to get started:

1.  Use “reusable” water bottles.  Resource extraction, production, transportation and consumption of single-use bottles is extremely wasteful.  It takes 3x’s the amount of water to produce bottle than its contents.
2.  Switch to cloth napkins instead of paper. 
3.  Bust out the tupperware!  Skip the plastic baggies and single-serving snacks.  Pack in reusable storage containers or reuse food containers like sour cream or ricotta cheese.  (That way if it gets lost, no worries.)  Alternatively, check out our “Green Store” for snazzy waste-free products like the Go Green Lunch Box!

4. BYOB “Bring Your Own Bag”. Whether grocery shopping or going to the mall, stuff a reusable bag in your purse so you always have it.

Good luck and thanks for reading!  Please share with your friends.  Click the “I Like” button to the right and collectively we can make a BIG POSITIVE IMPACT in our community!  Comments encouraged.