
There are numerous activities that students can participate in to develop a keen awareness about energy consumption.  Here are just a few activities to get you started.

  1. images-1Earth Hour. Join the global celebration in March to acknowledge the need to reduce energy. Use your power to make change a reality!Saturday, MARCH 19th 2016. Turn off your lights off from 8:30-9:30pm. Inspired? Commit to do something more for the planet that goes beyond the hour.Tools to make it easy:Official Earth Hour flier2016 Globe Earth Hour Poster

    School flier to engage and inform students, staff and families16 flier

  2. Watch “Be the Solution -Energy” to enhance student understanding about why it’s important and solutions for children to make a difference. Watch here
  3. Energy Hog Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt

Send Energy Scavenger home and ask families to take a pledge. Here is a sample letter for your convenience:15_Energy Hog Family Pledge

School Energy Assessment and Don’t Be An Energy Hog.

Want more ideas? The Center for Green Schools is a great source to green your building. Start by implementing simple, energgreen-buildingy reducing steps such as turning off lights, monitors and laminating machines when not in use.

Enhance indoor and outdoor air quality by enforcing a No Idle policy. When you’re ready, save substantial $ and energy by conducting a professional energy audit with Ecotelligent Homes.

Energy Reduction List of tips to reduce energy.