Go Green Night

Looking for an exciting program for students and families? Go Green Night offers two hours of family fun, exploring, and learning about how we can make our world a better place to live. This event features ten (or more!) hands-on family fun activities, including games, races, experiments and team challenges.

Target age: K-12th grades. Activities determined by grade level.

go green family night


The Base Cost is $800.


  • Two hours of family fun, exploring and learning about how we can make our world a better place to live.
  • Ten or more hands-on family fun Activities, including games, races, experiments and team challenges.
  • Activities appropriate for K-5th grade (can be adjusted for other ages).
  • Activity kits that include all materials and instruction guides.
  • Each Activity includes a “take-away” message to help families understand how their choices make a difference to the environment.
  • Go Green Night passports to guide people through the Activities.
  • Set-up and volunteer training for all activities.
  • Support before, after, and throughout the Event.

School provides:

  • PTA or teacher contact to assist with coordinating Event.
  • Adult or teen volunteers to run the activity stations (approximately 20).
  • 15 long tables set up 2 hours prior to Event.
  • Access to 3 electrical outlets.
  • 5-10 “Go Green” prizes to be used at Passport Raffle Drawing at conclusion of Event (optional).